martes, 21 de julio de 2015

The series that I love

I don’t watch TV a lot, but I always watch series online in my computer or Netflix when I have a little time. In the past, like two years ago, I don’t like very much series; I thought that it was boring, but with the time I started to love it. So, Today I will talk about my favorite TV series.

One of my favorite series is "American Horror Story" (AHS), this have the first place in my heart. The first season is about an old haunted house, the second season is about an asylum, the third is about witches of Salem and the last (only for today) is about a freak show. I know that this series sounds like rare or horrible, but isn't about terror is more like thriller. The only thing is that you could get a little nervous with the history. I think that the best season is the second, so if you have time you should be watch it. In october of this year start the fifth season about an hotel.

My second favorite series is "Modern Family". This is a comedy series, the history is about three family (Is a little confused to explain so I think that you should be watch Modern Family to understand) .Sincerely, in the past, I believed that was boring, but one night, when I was traveling in an airplain I really falling in love with this series. First I watched two chapters in the airplain, then, when I went back home, I watched all the seasons that Netflix had. And today the last two seasons are in my computer; I finished all the seasons like one month ago (when I was in “paro”).

To finish I will talk about a series that I was watching eventually; Korean dramas. I don’t what have this kind of series, but they are a vice. The most of Korean dramas are about love and sentimental things (When I watch it I always cry hahaha). My favorite Korean drama is “Love Rain”, I love it with all my heart. If you are woman I think that you can love it, but if you are man you get bored.

martes, 14 de julio de 2015

I want to travel to...

Since I was a child I dreamed with visit many countries around the world, because I have an uncle that lived in Germany for many years and he always send me different postcards with pictures of beautiful places. He wrote about museums, parks, monuments, sculptures, etc. Reading those letters all the months They made my wanderlust and know new cultures especially of Europe, grow.
If I had to choose for one place to visit the winner would England, sincerely this is my dream (part of go to Disney Land, I dream with this since I have memory). My favorite music band is The Beatles, so I read many things this beautiful country and I watched in the TV many concert of different bands in this place. I want to see the site with my own eyes, in live and direct.
I really want to travel to England and make a “Beatle Tour”. I want to go to Liverpool, Strawberry Fields, especially Abbey Road and walk by the pedestrian crossing. As well (If I travel someday) I will visit different museum or typical places of the country. I want to go to the Madame Tussauds museum of London.
Obviously, if I go to England I have to go to others countries of Europe (If I have money too). as I have been told, is easy to travel to other places in this continent. I want to go to Paris, Italy, Germany, etc.
I hope one day make my dream come true, travel to England to drink a lot of tea, to eat fish and chips and to be a elegant person. Obviously, to practice my english. The desire is, I just need the money.

miércoles, 8 de julio de 2015

Gay Talese: a pioneer of Narrative Journalism

Since I started to study journalism, many times I asked to me “who is my favorite journalist?”, but I never knew. It’s very difficult to decide for one, but only for today I have to take a decision: I will write about Gay Talese, because his work is very interesting.
Gay Talese is an American journalist.  Talese is very important in world of journalism, due to he was a pioneer of “The Narrative journalism”.  He worked different newspaper:  “The New York Times” in 1953, then in “The New Yorker” and “Time”. Also, Talese worked in two magazines: “Esquire” and “Harper’s Magazine”.  Another intriguing thing about Gay Talese is that he wrote different books about his life, like “New York: a Serendipiter's Journey”.
The first text that I read of Gay Talese was “Frank Sinatra has cold”, his most popular work. This profile is amazing, due to he realized only with interviews to friends or parents of Frank Sinatra, the journalist never talked with the singer. This text is full of information and details of the personal life of Sinatra; it’s very difficult think that Talese didn’t speak with the singer, but this was real.
If you are interested to read something journalistic article I recommend works of this journalist. His texts are entertained and very quickly to read. Also, you will notice that the texts of Gay Talese are so different in comparison with the “typical journalism”. Gay Talese is, in my opinion, one of the best journalists in the world.